Loans, Grants & Other Resources
Inclusive Business Resource Network
The Inclusive Business Resource Network (IBRN) is a citywide program that brings multiple services for small businesses and entrepreneurs into a single network. Entrepreneurs can receive one-on-one advising from trusted organizations, training, and other resources. If you are unsure about where to start, schedule an appointment with one of our business advisors to map out a best fit!
Portland Small Business Hub
The Portland Small Business Hub offers free one-on-one, culturally specific resource navigation for local small business owners. It is a collaboration between Prosper Portland and local community partners. Its business advisors help businesses connect to resources such as financial and technical assistance, marketing, and legal support.
Prosper Portland Local Small Business Repair/Restore Grant
Prosper Portland’s Local Small Business Repair/Restore Grant provides funding to small businesses that have sustained physical and economic damage due to break-ins and vandalism. Eligible entities may receive up to $25,000 for eligible repairs as a reimbursement with no required match. Learn more